Arya Sasol Polymer Company

History of Arya Sasol Polymer

Arya Sasol Polymer Company has won a Plaque of Appreciation at the NCAEA congress for developing an Integrative approach in its enterprise architecture.

The development came at the closing ceremony of the 4th National Conference on Advances in Enterprise Architecture (NCAEA 2020) which was held at the University of Tehran on March 16th after months of postponements due to Covid-19 pandemic regulations.

The plaque was awarded to ASPC for its valuable efforts in developing an Integrative architecture between Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system and Business Process Management System (BPMS).
Arya Sasol Polymer Company utilizes ERP and BPMS information systems in its Architecture Development Program (ADP) to reduce redundancies, increase efficiency, speed up the business processes and improve data quality.

By implementing the ERP system in 2007, ASPC is known as the first Iranian petrochemical company that widely utilizes Enterprise Resource Planning.

In 2009, the ERP system went live with 5 main core modules, now company used to utilize 8 modules in its daily operation as follow:

financial, human resources, purchasing, sales, inventory management, production and quality management, maintenance management, and project management.

The company started its use of the ERP system in 2009 with the implementation of five modules, and so far it has increased the number of its modules to eight; including, financial, human resources, purchasing, sales, inventory management, production, and quality management, maintenance management, and project management.

Alongside the ERP system, since 2013 another core information system generally known as BPMS, is being used which has a complementary role.
So far more than 40 subsystems, including 200 major business processes, have been fully designed, implemented, launched, and getting supported by the whiting BPMS platform.

Since 2016, the company has upgraded its Integration Architecture; making it now enable to support connections through database links and web services.

After upgrading Integration Architecture in 2016, we are capable of utilizing the vast types of integration methods. Today we have 120 live integration connections making BPMS a powerful orchestrator. This brought a new level of capacity in terms of automation for the company.

As the most important domestic event in the field of enterprise architecture, the National Conference on Advances in Enterprise Architecture (NCAEA 2017) was held for the first time in Tehran-Shahid Beheshti University.

In the following years, the event was then held in Shiraz University of Technology and Sharif University of Technology, respectively.


Our mission is to produce ethylene, polyethylene and other high-quality petrochemical products in a healthy, safe and environmentally friendly environment, based on optimal resource management, improving human capital and obtaining the satisfaction of all organizational stakeholders.

Our Vision A world-class competitive organization with sustainable profitability and excellence in safety.

Our commitments

We commit ourselves to the implementation and fulfillment of the following:

Identifying and establishing organizational values, policies, strategies and strategic goals and related implementation plans based on internal abilities and capabilities, by using the integrated management system of risks and opportunities of the organization in order to realize the vision and meet the requirements. Requirements and expectations of organizational stakeholders.

Cultivating a culture of participation, consulting and raising awareness of quality, health, safety, environmental, energy consumption, risk management, road traffic safety, communication with customers, information security, continuity and Fava services so that by relying on them, all Employees and suppliers can strive for accident-free work, better management of pollutants, waste, sewage, energy and natural resources, maintaining the physical and mental health of human resources and customer orientation.

Empowerment and development of employees’ competencies in order to realize the vision and organizational goals.

Commitment to monitor, review and continuously improve the system and performance of quality, environment, occupational health and safety, energy, road traffic safety, communication with customers, information security, continuity and management of Fava services and organization risks.

Committing to purchase materials, goods and services and designing activities with the aim of improving energy performance.

Committing to provide proper transport infrastructure and culture of road traffic safety.

Guiding, supporting and informing employees in line with the effective implementation of management systems established in the organization
Identifying and ensuring compliance with laws, regulations and other requirements related to the integrated management system.
Ensuring the provision of necessary resources and the effective implementation of established management systems to achieve the satisfaction of stakeholders, the realization of macro and micro goals, and the effective management of identified organizational risks and opportunities.

Commitment to pollution prevention, preservation and protection of the environment, optimal use of resources, elimination of risks and prevention of workplace and process accidents, personal injuries, occupational diseases and damage to property and equipment through the establishment, application and maintenance of the policy efficient processes, management of risks and opportunities, implementation and maintenance of process safety management system and effective information to organizational stakeholders.

Improving the level of information security and the quality of FAVA services and creating a standard framework in order to ensure the confidentiality of information against unauthorized access, the availability of information for authorized persons and maintaining the integrity and integrity of information against unauthorized changes.

Ensuring access to the necessary infrastructure, systems and information to achieve the goals of the organization and optimal use of irreversible energy sources.

Creating an effective mechanism to properly receive customers’ voices and provide appropriate feedback.

Creating an effective mechanism to support business operations and the continuation of Fawa services in crisis situations by identifying destructive events and preventing their recurrence.


  1. Creating sustainable profits
  2. Stable quality
  3. Sustainable growth
  4. Product development
  5. Improving social and HSE processes
  6. Cost management
  7. Integration of management systems
  8. Development of internal control systems
  9. Effective planning, control and follow-up
  10. Improving the knowledge, skills and competence of employees


  1. Belief in safety, health and environment
  2. Effectiveness
  3. Respect and listen to the requests of employees
  4. Honesty and integrity
  5. Efficient planning and control and follow-up
  6. Focus on responding to society
  7. Stable quality

Contact Information


7th floor, Kian Tower, No. 2551, corner of Shahid Naseri St., above Zafar St., Vali Asr St., Tehran





7th floor, Kian Tower, No. 2551, corner of Shahid Naseri St., above Zafar St., Vali Asr St., Tehran





  • HFI5110
  • HEX4460 PE80+
  • HBM4265
  • HBM4261A
  • MFI3313
  • LFI2047A
  • C3+
  • MFI3820
  • HBM5510
  • HBM5020
  • LFI2125A
  • LFI2130
  • LIM1922
  • LFI2185
  • LFI2185A
  • LFI2575
  • MFI3713
  • HBM5520
  • ethylene
  • LFI2119
  • LEC1969

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