Our values have enabled us to become one of Iran's leading importers and exporters of Petrochemical and plastic. Always focusing on people to create a lasting success story.


To fulfill commitments to partners, employees and shareholders.


To seek for the constant expansion of the company and quality level growth by actively developing trade relations with suppliers of Petrochemical and plastic manufacturer.


To guarantee professional customer service quality, ensuring customer’s satisfaction of the services and products.

What we stand for

To be the Leading Supplier of Iran’s Polymer and Plastic

International Penetration

Expanding the market through distribution channels wolrdwide


Create a business partnership, create partners to cover business chain continues

Sustainable Development

Development and create new innovation continues to add value to the products

About IPPM

Our company is to be the most reliable Supplier of Petrochemical and aplastic .

Operating in a planned and responsible manner, we strive to maintain our current reputation, justify customer trust, and become the market leader in our industry.

We are committed to be exceptional in everything we do and strengthen our position


Employees and collaborators shall deal with third parties courteously, competently and professionally, to protect the company’s image and reputation.
IMM Copmany

IMM Copmany

Business Owner

"We have no regrets! After using your Consultant in my business skyrocketed! I couldn't have asked for more than this."



Commercial Deputy

"Your company is truly upstanding and is behind its product 100 percent. IPPM is worth much more than I paid. I like IPPM more each day because it makes easier."

MEGA Polymer

MEGA Polymer


"Thank you for making it painless, pleasant and most of all hassle free!."


Khark Petrochemical Company

Introduction of Khark Petrochemical Company Kharg Petrochemical Complex is located on Kharg Island. This island with a coral texture like a stone bowl has emerged from the northwest of the Persian Gulf. Kharg Island is Read more…

Jahrom Petrochemical company

Introduction of Jahrom Petrochemical Company Jahrom Petrochemical is a petrochemical Company in Jahrom on a land of 300 hectares in the vicinity of Jahrom Special Economic Zone and Jahrom Dry Port and it is about Read more…

Takhte Jamshid Petrochemical Complex

Introduction of Takhte Jamshid Petrochemical Complex Takht Jamshid Petrochemical Complex (TJPC) has been built and operated in two phases, the first phase of which includes the production unit of elastomer styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) by Read more…

Get in Touch

Please feel free to call us if you need any further information

Find us at the office

No. 15, Shirodi Street, Tehran, Iran

Give us a ring

Beh Amiri  Whatsapp (Wechat) +98 910 525 1778 Mon – Fri, 8:00-22:00

Contact Us