Navid Zar Chimi Petrochemical Complex

History of Navid Zar Chimi Petrochemical Complex

Navid Zar Chemical Industrial Company, as the first company with full investment by the private sector, was established in 1378 to meet the country’s increasing need for polypropylene resin, and today, with the aim of producing new and high – quality products at the international level, it strives to promote The country’s industry continues.

The production unit of this company is located in the special economic zone of Bandar Imam and receives its feed from the Alfin Petrochemical Unit of Amir Kabir, while the production technology of polypropylene resins is 160 thousand tons per year of the Spheripol type and belongs to Moazzam Basell company.

The brand name of the products produced by Navid Zar Chemical Industrial Company is Parslen, which depends on the presence or absence of comonomer, molecular weights and its distribution, as well as the additives used in more than 100 types of grades from melting index dg/min 0.2 to dg/min 70 It manifests.

Using the latest technology, this company is able to produce all kinds of homo polymers (Homo with the prefix ZH), statistical copolymers (Random with the prefix ZR), high-impact copolymers (with the prefix ZB) and Ter-polymers (with has the prefix ZT).

Contact Information


NO.13, E.Armaghan St., Nelson Mandela (Africa) St., Tehran





NO.13, E.Armaghan St., Nelson Mandela (Africa) St., Tehran






  • Parslen ZH552R
  • Parslen ZH652R
  • Parslen ZH422H
  • Parslen ZH550J
  • Parslen ZH500M
  • Parslen ZH510M
  • Parslen ZH510L
  • Parslen ZH515MA
  • Parslen ZH525J
  • Parslen ZH564S

Random Co-polymers:

  • Parslen ZR348U
  • Parslen ZR348T
  • Parslen ZR348T
  • Parslen ZR340R
  • Parslen ZRCT230C
  • Parslen ZR248G

Block Co-polymers:

  • Parslen ZB332L
  • Parslen ZB432L
  • Parslen ZB440L
  • Parsley ZB332C
  • Parslen ZB445L
  • Parslen ZB548R
  • Parslen ZB548U
  • Parslen ZB548T


  • Parslen ZT137K
  • Parslen Z135K

visit the company website:

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