Pars Middle East Petrochemical Company

History of Pars Middle East Petrochemical Company

Kimiai Pars Middle East Company was registered under the number 308393 on October 3, 2006 in the Registry of Companies and Non-Commercial Institutions of Tehran. The current capital of the company is 4812 billion Rials.


Human resources development management of Kimiai Pars Middle East Petrochemical Company, according to its role and position in the field of human resources, on behalf of employees and other stakeholders, has the mission of providing the necessary conditions, resources and infrastructure for planning, providing, employing, maintaining, growing, and motivating. provided the development and empowerment of expert and committed human capital.


Encouraging and promoting strategic and systemic thinking, creativity, innovation and individual, team and organizational productivity
The key supporter and guardian of the realization of the principles of meritocracy, commitment and meritocracy at all levels
Creating equal opportunities for continuous individual learning, collaboration and team learning
Supporter of individual, team and organizational responsibility and accountability towards stakeholders
Supporting trust, respect and mutual respect in interpersonal, organizational and stakeholder relationships
A value creator for human capital and a manifestation of Iran’s rich Islamic culture based on justice and kindness
The foundation for creating effective and open communication for questioning, criticism and constructive and fair dialogue
The provider of the necessary infrastructure for the purpose of attracting, publishing and systematically learning entrepreneurship, knowledge and skills


Achieving a superior position in the development of human resources with a capital approach to the company’s employees and aligning the interests of employees and shareholders in the direction of the company’s macro vision.

Contact Information


No. 3, 4th floor, Saadat Abad, Soru Gharbi, Asman corner


+9861- 22382170



No. 3, 4th floor, Saadat Abad, Soru Gharbi, Asman corner


+9861- 22382170



  • Methanol

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