Mehr Petro Kimiya Company

History of Mehr Petro Kimiya Company

Mehr Petro Kimiya company (Private Equity) was established in 2005.

The main lines of the company’s activity are creation, construction and investment in petrochemical industry projects, focusing on the production of propylene and its derivatives.

This company is building a petrochemical plant with a target of 450,000 tons of propylene and 450,000 tons of polypropylene (PP) per year at the project plan site located in Asalouyeh region.

The market of these products is automotive, pharmaceutical, health, food, packaging, clothing, pipe making, energy and telecommunication industries.


Our Mission is Construction of Mehr Petro Kimiya  Petrochemical in Asalouye region to produce propylene and polypropylene from propane with high quality, safe and environmentally friendly, with the aim of preventing crude sales and creating added value as the first priority, and design, construction, acquisition and operation and supply Financial resources for the construction of new petrochemicals in the next priority, based on the optimal management of resources, the promotion of human capital and obtaining the satisfaction of all organizational stakeholders with the help of capable contractors and knowledge-based companies in the field of oil and gas and petrochemicals by using hardware, software and brain capacities Software in the field of supply of goods, engineering and implementation of the country.

Contact Information


No. 230, between North Naft and Modares Highway, Shahid Vahid Dastgardi St. (former Zafar), Tehran





No. 230, between North Naft and Modares Highway, Shahid Vahid Dastgardi St. (former Zafar), Tehran





  • Polypropylene
  • PDH

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