Khorasan Petrochemical Company

History of Khorasan Petrochemical Company

Khorasan Petrochemical Joint Stock Company, the largest center for the production of chemical products in the north and northeast of the country, was established in May 1371 in Bojnord, the capital of North Khorasan province, and from June 1375, it was included in the list of industrial and manufacturing enterprises of the country.

This complex, using the latest scientific and technological methods and with a combination of young, expert and efficient manpower, from the first days of operation, set the principle of self-sufficiency as the ultimate goal of its production. Adhering to this thinking and achieving its ideals, especially in recent years, Khorasan Petrochemical Complex has drawn an acceptable and prominent figure at the national and international levels.


Khorasan Petrochemical started the preparations for the implementation of the EFQM organizational excellence model in 1984 with field trainings, and in 1985, by expanding the necessary trainings and empowering a larger part of the employees and related units, they made efforts in the same year.

The year he succeeded in receiving the certificate of commitment to excellence from the national award.

During the years 1985 to 1988, he paid attention to the training of the interested forces in the department of excellence and evaluation, and in 1988, he succeeded in preparing the first declaration of organizational excellence, and after the training of efficient evaluators, he proceeded to organizational self-evaluation.

Khorasan Petrochemical Company, in order to target the actions regarding the explanation and depth of the organizational excellence model in different organizational departments, and in addition to employee empowerment training and culture building in the field of organizational excellence, applied teams and groups aware of scientific and specialized foundations He has trained as excellent organizational teachers and evaluators.

Now, after several years of activity in the field of organizational excellence, the company has a declaration of organizational excellence, and after several periods of participation in organizational excellence festivals, it has been placed in the field of competition with petrochemical industry companies, and has received a certificate of commitment to organizational excellence and a 3-star letter of appreciation.

has done After 3 periods of internal self-evaluation by the evaluator and the review of organizational activities and challenging the goals and plans of the organization regarding the modification and improvement of the organizational processes in order to implement systematic, systematic and targeted organizational approaches, and then many improvement projects for Evaluation and modification of processes has been implemented.

Contact Information


No. 23, Vanak Street, Tehran





No. 23, Vanak Street, Tehran





  • Ammonia
  • Melamin
  • urea

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