Kermanshah Polymer Company

History of Kermanshah Polymer Company

Population growth, especially in the years after the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, has led to an increase in the consumption of agricultural products, which has increased the need for chemical fertilizers.

Due to the presence of abundant gas resources and having experienced and specialized forces, the growth of petrochemical industries has been significant in recent years, and the National Petrochemical Industries Company has decided to further expand the petrochemical industry in Iran.

Kermanshah Ammonia and Urea Production Complex was established in order to provide part of the chemical fertilizer required by Kermanshah province and neighboring provinces in the west of the country.

The construction of this project, in addition to providing the required chemical fertilizer, plays a significant role in creating employment in the region, expanding the technical capacity of the province, and improving the knowledge of regional experts.

After the imposed war, according to the effects of the war on the economy of Kermanshah province, a number of members of the Kermanshah Chamber of Commerce examined various ways to improve the economic situation of the province, and the necessity of establishing manufacturing factories to expand economic activities was put on the agenda.

Considering the need of Kermanshah province and neighboring provinces for chemical fertilizers, the construction of a chemical fertilizer production plant was approved and to achieve this goal, Kermanshah Petrochemical Industries Company was registered in 2015.

In 1379, extensive underwriting was done by Kermanshah Petrochemical Industries Company.

Then, the board of directors of the company reviewed the method of partnership with the government and considering the necessity of building a petrochemical industry in the west of the country, the National Petrochemical Industries Company, with the permission of the government, accepted the participation in the construction of the ammonia and urea project.

The reception of the people of Kermanshah to the said plan considering the low level of income in this city and the purchase of shares by them showed their interest in the development of industry in the city of Kermanshah and their appreciation for the efforts of those who have been working for the construction of petrochemicals in this city for years they did.

The executive activities of the project started with the provision of financial resources after the subscription.

National Petrochemical Industries Company assumed the executive responsibility of the project until the start-up and operation stage, and in order to have an active presence in this company, it bought 38.5% of the company’s shares.


  1. Creating a dynamic, advanced and innovative research center in the field of petrochemicals and conducting applied research in order to maintain, continue production and overcome possible obstacles.
  2. Leading and transformative in applied research and innovation and acceleration and creation of entrepreneurship ecosystem in the field of petrochemical industry
  3. A center to strengthen the effectiveness of technological entrepreneurship and economy based on innovation and an environment for scientific and industrial elites to conduct applied research and develop innovative and technological activities in line with the organization’s needs.
  4. A program-oriented center with a research and innovative system in line with the sustainable development of the knowledge-based industry to solve the needs and problems of the organization
  5. Participation in the global production of science and knowledge by publishing articles in scientific and research publications inside and outside the country
  6. Knowledge-based research and accelerator center and a leader in research and innovations in the field of petrochemical industry
  7. Being presented as one of the best research and innovation centers that is engaged in research, development and training in the field of petrochemical industry.
  8. Strengthening and developing the discussion of self-sufficiency and trying to reduce dependence on foreign countries and providing services related to localization to other industries


  1. Taking a step in the path of knowledge-based economy
  2. Effective and efficient communication with the university
  3. Becoming a learning and teaching organization
  4. Development and promotion of research culture at the organization level
  5. Creating a suitable platform for the implementation of new ideas
  6. Empowering and developing the creativity and innovation of the organization’s employees
  7. Taking advantage of the capabilities of knowledge-based companies in the petrochemical field
  8. Identifying the needs of development and technology in the organization in order to solve them
  9. Moving towards self-sufficiency and reducing dependence on foreign products and technologies
  10. Providing technology empowerment and commercialization services to knowledge-based companies active in the petrochemical industry
  11. Expanding domestic and international communication and cooperation for the development of technology in the petrochemical industry
  12. Communication and interaction with the specialized body of the petrochemical industry in the country and becoming a reference to meet the technological needs of the industry.
  13. Creating the necessary space for the growth and expansion of knowledge-based units and helping these units to produce and develop products and services


The mission of the research and innovation center of Kermanshah Petrochemical Industries Company is to take a step in the path of development and acquisition of new knowledge and technologies, this is important by conducting applied research and supporting the capabilities and elite, knowledge – based companies, the academic community and people with innovative ideas.

Continuous development and improvement of production processes and attention to downstream products and value completion, as well as solving problems and problems in various departments of organizations and businesses, innovative ideas, as well as providing industrial services in the field of social responsibilities of the company.

This mission is realized by conducting research, training and providing services and support in the field of petrochemical industry. Our goal is to create value for all stakeholders and sustainable development for the petrochemical industry and the country.

Contact Information


No. 14, Salman Street, the beginning of Sheikh Bahai North, Molla Sadra Street, Tehran





No. 14, Salman Street, the beginning of Sheikh Bahai North, Molla Sadra Street, Tehran





  • Granular urea fertilizer
  • Liquid ammonia
  • Liquid nitrogen

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