Darab Petrochemical Company

History of Darab Petrochemical Company

According to the initial schedule, Darab Petrochemical Company should be put into operation in 2014, but due to the restrictions imposed on the country’s industry and mainly due to the impossibility of foreign exchange transactions, the project was not implemented on time.

The main center of the company is located in Shiraz and a branch in Tehran.

The subject of the company’s activity is the construction and operation of petrochemical complexes of industrial plants for the purpose of producing, marketing, selling and exporting petrochemical products and storing, exporting and importing and converting chemical and petrochemical materials and their by-products and performing all activities It is manufacturing, industrial and commercial.


The polyethylene production plan in the company was supposed to be completed by the end of 2014, but due to the restrictions caused by the sanctions imposed on the industry, due to the impossibility of foreign exchange transactions, the project was not implemented on time.

According to the financial information of the company as well as the suspension of the company’s project, the company’s income and profitability have decreased and the company is going through a loss process.

Contact Information


Kilometer 18 of Darab, Shiraz road






Kilometer 18 of Darab, Shiraz road





visit the company website: 

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