Kavian Petrochemical Company

History of Kavian Petrochemical Company

Registered under the number 255100 in the Registration Office of Companies and Non-Commercial Institutions, it is one of the subsidiaries of Bakhtar Group.
The main mission of Bakhtar Group, which was formed with the investment of the National Petrochemical Industries Company and other private sector investment companies, is to organize and organize financial resources and also to ensure the implementation of petrochemical projects in the west of the country. This company also acts as a specialized parent company and is responsible for providing the financial credits needed for the implementation of its subsidiary projects. Kavian Petrochemical Company, which was established in September 2014, is responsible for providing the food needed by other companies under the Bakhtar Group. is responsible for feeding these complexes by injecting into the ethylene pipeline in the west of the country.


Becoming the most reliable complex in the production and supply of ethylene in the regional markets along with sustainable profitability and excellence in providing the satisfaction of stakeholders using innovation and two-way strategies based on the model of sustainable development


  • Value creation and customer orientation
  • Compliance with safety and social responsibility
  • Ethics
  • Partnership and synergy
  • Transparency and accountability

Contact Information


No. 40, Shahid Falahzadeh (Hamila) Blvd., Poonk Square, Tehran




Email:info@petrokavian.com Website:www.petrokavian.com


No. 40, Shahid Falahzadeh (Hamila) Blvd., Poonk Square, Tehran






  • ethylene:
  • Ethylbenzene
  • alpha
  • olefins
  •  vinyl acetate
  • accessories:
  • Propane
  • propylene
  • butadi 

visit the company website: www.epetrokavian.com

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